Extraordinary Ministers for the distribution of Holy Communion are properly formed, instructed and commissioned lay persons. These Ministers are appointed to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at mass when ordinary Ministers (Priest, Deacons, or Acolytes) are unavailable. This appointment is made at the request of the pastor of a specific parish and mandated by the Bishop.
Lectors help proclaim God's Word during Liturgical celebrations. Volunteer parishioners help with this ministry. Through the proclamation of God's Word at Mass, we encounter Christ and embrace His Word in Faith.
Would you like to be a Lector?
Call the Administration Office
These young parishioners assist Father at Mass. They must be in 3rd grade or older and have received First Eucharist. Training will be provided for those interested in joining this ministry. Please contact the Administration Office for information.
The Hospitality Ministers serve as host and hostesses to make sure that the first face everyone sees at church is smiling. Hospitality Ministers also greet people warmly, welcome strangers and make them feel at home, help people sit together, take up the collection, and take care of any needs or emergencies that arise.
"All are welcome to help with this ministry."
Within the Liurgy of the Word, there are certain parts which are musical by nature and ought to be sung. This ministry consists of volunteers who share their musical talent in praising and worshiping the Lord in song during Liturgical celebrations.
Praying with those who can no longer attend Mass is a vital part of any parish. The Homebound Ministry team serves as Lay Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, as their visits offer comfort and support. If you are interested in enriching the spiritual lives of our parishioners that are not able to join us, please contact the Administration Office.
Communion Calls and visits are on Friday mornings after 7:30 AM mass. If you know of anyone who would like to be added to the Communion Call list, please contact the Administration Office.
As part of our mission to serve the homebound in our community, meals are prepared and delivered on a quarterly schedule. If you are aware of anyone in our community who is in need or confined to their home, please contact the Administration Office. Volunteers are always welcome to help prepare and deliver meals.
The purpose of the Liturgy Team is to plan, coordinate, and evaluate parish liturgies in order for all parishioners to actively and fully participate in Liturgical Celebrations.
The Pastoral Council consists of the Pastor, Deacon, and nine members chosen by the parish community. The Parish Council's role is to promote the Church's mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in our world. The council sets the visions for the parish and works together with parishioners to provide support and development of St. Charles Borromeo Church.
Rev. Baby (Philip) Kuruvilla
Deacon Brent Bourgeois
Pres: David Champagne
V-Pres: Dionne Robichaux
Secretary: Joye Oldag
Helen Zeringue, Brian Chiasson, Chad Rodrigue, Dawn Toups, Jason McBroom & Melanie Norris
Assist the Pastor in evaluating and setting goals for the faith life of the parish and its parishioners.
The Knights of Columbus Council are Catholic men, 18 years of age or older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church and its members. Our Council is 110 members strong, with a variety of talented men who serve our community with spiritual and physical needs. If you are interested in joining a worldwide fraternal organization dedicated to helping the Church and community, please contact the GRAND KNIGHT - Brian Chiasson
We thank those who have responded to being a part of this Prayer Line Ministry
If you are interested in joining the LAS, please contact the President - Angie Chiasson.